Seeing How Far My Tab Indents On Word For Mac

Re: Numbered List Indents After 10 by acknak » Wed Sep 16, 2009 8:59 pm The users in our office and me get perplexed and frustrated when bullet/numbered lists get unaligned and don't know how to fix the layout. If you want the indentation only for the first line (paragraph indentation), select First Line in the Special list box. Office 2016 for mac and exchange 2010. If you want to be able to indent with the tab key on any line, click the Tabs button and set a tab at the position you want to tab to 8. OK out of everything.
Tab In Dents Word
Free avi editor for mac. Hello, I am using Word 2015 for Mac OSX 10.10.5 I have searched the forum and can't find an answer to this question. I have a long (250 pages) document that now is showing a one character indent on the first line of every page that does not begin with a new paragraph. Where a page begins with a new paragraph, the paragraph appears with the 'normal' larger paragraph indent. But where the first line is a continuation of a previous paragraph, I get the indent. It cannot be removed by simply locating the cursor and backspacing. Now, for what I suspect has caused the problem: I loaded this document into Word for iOS on my iPad, worked on it, then saved it to Dropbox.
Seeing How Far My Tab Indents On Word For Mac
They’re what most people think of when they think of tab stops, and what you’ll likely use most of the time. Text is aligned against the left edge of the tab stop. • Center: Center tabs align the text around the center of the tab stop. • Right: Right tabs align text against the tab stop’s right edge and are a great way to align the rightmost digits of lengthy lists of numbers as you enter them. • Decimal: Decimal tabs align numbers (or text) based on decimal points. They are great for aligning currency figures.